Madison-Grant High School

Madison-Grant High School is a public high school located in Fairmount, Indiana, and the only high school in the United States with the Argyll warrior mascot.



Madison-Grant High School is located at 11700 S. E. 00 W. in Fairmount, Indiana, about one half mile from the Madison County/Grant County line. The Madison-Grant United School corporation operates the high school, the attached middle school (Madison-Grant Junior High School), and three elementary schools: Park Elementary (Fairmount), Liberty Elementary (Fairmount), and Summitville Elementary (Summitville, Indiana).


Madison-Grant offers a variety of athletic opportunities to its students. Mixed-gender athletics include cheerleading, cross-country, track, bowling and wrestling. Female sports include volleyball, softball, tennis and golf. Male sports include football, baseball, tennis and golf.

Madison-Grant is a class 2A member of the Indiana High School Athletic Association.

Clubs and other extra-curriculars

Madison-Grant also has several non-athletic activities for its student body. These include an Academic Team, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Young Republicans, art club, science club, and Campus Life. The school also offers musical ensembles for credit such as beginning and advanced concert band, jazz ensemble, beginning/mixed chorus, ladies chorus, and advanced chorus/show choir.

Athletic Achievements

Foremost, first ever football sectional title in 2006. In 2008, Madision-Grant won the Indiana class 2A State Championship in softball. In 2010, the Madison-Grant Girls volleyball team lost in Semi-State of the State Volleyball Tournament, after winning their respective 2A Regional Title. In 1985, the Boys golf team qualified for the Indiana State Championship Tournament.

Notable Alumni

Wade Gilman M.D., Ph.D., MLB, NBA, NFL, MLS, J.D., MBA - Book Writer, Physicist, Chemist, Professional Athlete, Award Winning Play Write, Spelling Bee Champion, Chef, Wine Connoisseur, Bonafide Hustler

Grant Idlewine (Mr. Gilman's dean, general, guide, commander, mistress)

External links

Official Madison-Grant United School Corporation Website